We Recognize Your Specific Needs
With each industry we serve, we recognize your specific needs while delivering dependable, quality and reliable service. From custom systems, design and fabrication to repairs, retrofits and maintenance, Lacor Mechanical Systems assists companies of all sizes by creating strategic solutions to meet each client's specific HVAC needs.
“No matter your industry, our vast experience in a wide range of industries is our greatest contribution to making your environment the absolute best.”
– Thomas Lacorazza, President

Finance & Banking
Lacor Mechanical Systems has been serving the Finance & Banking Industry and Associates of all sizes for over five decades, by creating strategic solutions to meet each client's specific HVAC needs.

Creating Innovative Solutions
Lacor assists the Media Industry by creating innovative solutions to meet each client's specific HVAC needs. With each industry we serve, recognize the unique and specific challenges that are unique to your industry, and the Media Industry is no exception. Give us a call and let us bid on your next project.
Real Estate
Delivering on your need for Excellence in HVAC Services for Real Estate
Lacor supports large residential and commercial real estate firms by creating strategic solutions to meet each client's specific HVAC needs. We realize each of our customers as unique in their requirements and challenges from custom design to cost-efficiency.

Commercial Real Estate
At Lacor Mechanical Systems, we have the expertise and the equipment to handle medium to large-scale commercial real estate projects. You can depend on us to bring you the best value for your dollar, while delivering excellence in service and customer satisfaction.
We offer a wide selection of top-quality commercial equipment from air-conditioning units, air-handlers, boilers, zone control units, thermostats and filtration units.
Residential Real Estate
We recognize each of our customers as unique to your residential HVAC challenges. By creating strategic solutions to meet each of our client's specific HVAC needs, you can depend on us to bring you the best value for your dollar, while delivering excellence in service and customer satisfaction.
Case Study: Building a Comfortable Work Environment
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Contact Us For More Information
Contact Us today to see how we can help you with your HVAC needs.